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Avoid Locksmith Scams

Suwanee LocksmithThere is definitely some truth in the expression, “good help is hard to find”. However, you can find good help if you do some research prior to hiring someone. The elderly are especially susceptible to unscrupulous business tactics, which is why they are targeted most often. However, this is why it’s important for them to know how they can protect themselves against scams of every type. They may think that something as simple as hiring a locksmith doesn’t come with any scams but they would be wrong. Remember that a locksmith is usually given access to a person’s private space. All that a person with bad motives needs is the chance to get inside. Once inside they could rob you or even harm you. We would hate for this to happen to you, which is why it is important to continue reading this article that to help you avoid locksmith scams. We see them all the time but we can help you avoid being taken by providing you with insight into the type of locksmith scams that exists.

First, there is the bait and hook scam. We have all seen those advertisement for locksmith services at a very low rate. So low that it is too good to be true. Well, there is also some truth to the expression, “if it sounds too good to be true, it is”. This can also apply to locksmith prices that are extremely low. Consider the amount of time that it takes for the locksmith to perform their job, their tools, and the gas they use to get to you. Chances are that the advertised price that they are offering wouldn’t even pay for the gas that it takes to travel too and from your location. What happens is that they will advertise a really low price and when they arrive, they will charge you twice as much. They hook you by advertising extremely low rates. Once they are there and charge more, no matter how upset this makes the customer, they usually pay. At this point they figure that they are already they might as well go ahead and utilize their services. This is when you have taken the bait! Unfortunately, a lot of businesses, not just locksmiths, rely on this scam. The reason that so many of them do it is because, unfortunately, it works.

How to avoid: Contact the service provider to speak directly with a representative. Ask them if the price quoted is a firm price. If they can’t say conclusively that it is then look elsewhere. Also, even if they agree to the flat rate but the locksmith gets there and still charges you more, contact the company and let them know. Chances are that either they didn’t speak to the locksmith about the change in the price or the locksmith is trying to get-over on you so that they can pocket the difference. Protect yourself by making sure you only use the services of a reputable locksmith.

Second, here is another scam that locksmiths will use. They will often disguise who they are by having more than one business name. Perhaps they go under several different names because they have provided such bad service that they needed to create another business identity. This means that when you think you are contacting a different company that you are actually calling the same business. If you want to make sure you’re contacting a legitimate and reputable locksmith service, when you contact the service make sure you listen for the name of the company too. There are some services that will simply rely on a call center to answer service calls. These are usually those same locksmiths who will disguise their business. Unfortunately, these call-centers just dispatch any locksmith, whether they have the right credentials or not. Another problem with these locksmiths is that they may not be background checked. This is ‘extremely’ important when you are hiring a reputable locksmith. You have to make sure that the locksmiths that you are doing business with have been professionally background checked. This would involve a criminal background check. You wouldn’t want to let a known criminal inside your home. Another way to protect yourself is to make sure that you check with the Better Business Bureau (BBB). If the locksmith company that you are considering doesn’t have a rating or if they have one but it is really bad then simply move on to the next locksmith.

Safety Precautions

There are various things that can throw up a red flag when you are about to hire a locksmith. Here are a few of them.

  1. Arriving in an unmarked vehicle – Most reputable locksmith services will have the name of their company displayed on their vehicles. If the one that is coming to service your needs does not then refuse their service.
  2. Credentials – If you ask them to show you their credentials, prior to allowing them inside, and they can’t produce them, refuse service. You have the right to refuse the services of anyone that you are not comfortable with. Some will become upset so if you have to refuse doing business with someone, you can simply act as though something has come up and you will call back later.
  3. Poor Reviews or No Reviews – The first place to check to make sure that you’ll find a good locksmith is to go online and check reviews. Business reviews are a great place to start when you’re looking for any type of service provider. Most consumers are keen to share their experience with others, good or bad. If the locksmith that you are considering has more bad reviews than good reviews then we would highly suggest that you look for another locksmith.

We understand that you may be anxious and just want to relief. However, you could make your situation worse if you hire the wrong locksmith service. Choose carefully!

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