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Why You Should Increase Home Security During School Year

residential suwanee locksmith You have come to the right place if you are looking into increasing your home security. The school year is quite hectic. Every parent knows this! Many look forward to having a couple hours to themselves during the day (at least, on some days, if they are working full time). Some parents stress about how their child will do and whether or not they will make friends. Whether you view it as a possible break for a bit or you have a lot of stress about kids being out of the house, something we can all agree with no matter what the situation is that it is important to have home security that is reliable.

We have been asked so many times about increasing home security during the school year that we have decided to put together this information for readers everywhere.

Should Everyone Think About Increasing Security When School is in Session?

So, why would one be concerned about increasing home security during the school year? And should this be something you are concerned about even if you do not have kids? These are good questions to ask, and we are going to address them here. Keep reading about why you should increase home security during the school year!

One of the biggest reasons to increase home security when kids are back in school, whether you do or do not have kids, is because there are more empty homes. Guess who takes note of this? Criminals. People who want to break into your home are going to be looking for it to be empty. You can’t forget the movie “Home Alone” – sure, it was just a movie, but doesn’t the idea hold true? That burglars look for homes where the adults are not home? They are easier targets. Someone who is scoping out your house, if you do have kids, is going to make note of when you leave in the morning. And if your child attends school, short of extracuricular activities, they are going to be on a fairly set schedule. Maybe they leave the house every day, or you leave with them, just before 8AM. It takes you half an hour to get to the school and back. Someone scoping out your house is going to realize this. Or maybe you see your child off to school and then head straight to work. Someone who wants to break into your house is going to know exactly when it is empty during the week.

Now let’s say you don’t have kids. But a burglar has taken note that some of your neighbors do, and they can see that your neighbors are not home, nor are you. So here’s what they realize – they have less of a chance of getting caught, because no one will be around to call the police.

If this sounds scary to you, that’s because it is! It is certainly something to think about. This is why you are going to want to increase the security you have for your property during the school year.

How to Increase Security for Your Home

Knowing you won’t be home as often, it is very important to make some changes or upgrades to your security. So, what exactly can you do? What is going to fit in your budget? If you would prefer to have your system or locks assessed by an expert before making any changes, then we recommend that you call a residential locksmith. This is a person who will specialize in locks and security for homeowners. But right off the bat, here are some things we recommend when locals call us...

Go Keyless – Going keyless is a good way to have something new installed that is demonstrated to be effective. In addition, you can share a code with your kids or even with a trusted neighbor, so they can check on your house if you aren’t going to be there for a few hours at a time. Once in a while, it is a good idea to change up your routine. So if you don’t normally go by for lunch, perhaps make it a point to do so – on this same note, having a keyless system will enable you to have a friend or family member drop by at random when you are not there. Sure, they can do this with traditional locks, but who wants to have to worry about copying a key when they can just go keyless and share a code?

In addition, you can have your system connected to your smartphone. You can set it up so you get an alert if someone is trying to get in that should not be there. This would allow you to call the police even if you are at work, or otherwise away from the house.

Have a Security Camera Installed – This is a sure way to catch someone on your property who is not supposed to be there. You’ve seen the videos of “porch pirates” – why not have a camera set up in a discreet location so you can catch people attempting to get into your home, or peeking in your windows to see if you are home?

Ensure ALL Doors are Locked. Do you have a patio door that is not locked? What about a garage door that leads right into your home? It is a good idea to have locks installed on all points of entry. You don’t want a criminal to be able to walk right in simply because you failed to have locks installed.

Hopefully you can see that it is important to increase your home security during the school year. Remember these are just some of the many options available. Talking with a locksmith will surely help you out!

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