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How to Increase Commercial Property Security

Commercial and business properties have special considerations when it comes to their security. Depending on the size of one’s building, the number of entrances and exits, what sensitive information is being stored and where, and also how many employees a business has, there can be many issues and needs that arise. In order to maintain or increase commercial or business building security, there are plenty of things property managers can do.

Receive Regular Lock Maintenance

This is a step commercial building owners and managers will not want to skip. Whether you have traditional locks like deadbolt or access control locks, regular lock maintenance is really important for building security for many reasons. Maintaining your locks means having a professional locksmith come out to your business and thoroughly check all of your locks and associated systems. What they will look for is any potential signs of wear and tear that may signal a future problem. A locksmith will also test all of your locks to make sure they are functioning optimally. Having lock maintenance performed regularly can save you a lot of money in the long run, since minor problems are much easier to repair than full-blown replacements. Regular lock maintenance is a great way to make sure you stay on top of your security and little problems do not turn into larger ones.

Regular lock maintenance will also help you stay up-to-date with the latest lock technology. If you work with a locksmith every so often, you will have the opportunity to ask them questions and make sure your building security remains current. A locksmith can inspect any outdated or vulnerable security points on your building and help you choose the right upgrades. By staying ahead of any potential problems, you will avoid serious damage later on down the line. A small problem is much easier to fix right away, rather than putting off lock maintenance and needing a major and expensive repair later. Work with a local locksmith so you can make sure your building locks are working as they should.

Upgrade Your Locks

If you are wanting to increase your business security, one of the simplest ways to do so is to switch from traditional locks to access control or electronic locks. Access control locks come in several different brands and forms, but most often are operated using code numbers or card readers. With access control, you can customize your locks and security to your preferences and business needs. For example, hospitals are often highly secure and some floors are restricted to only certain staff members. In this case, with access control, you can program employee access cards to only work for certain rooms, floors, or corridors. Their high-security, along with customizable options make access control a great choice.

Electronic locks would include biometric or eye readers and fingerprint scanners. These locks are highly sophisticated and one of the most expensive security options, but they are the most secure option available. These types of locks guaranteed that no one who is unauthorized to enter a room or floor will be able to, even if they attempt to tamper with the lock. Depending on what a business does and the sensitivity of the information or materials handled, electronic locks of this sort may be necessary.

Install Security Cameras

Most businesses opt to have some sort of security camera inside and outside of their businesses. This is really a fool-proof way to document any burglaries that may occur or any shady customers that may be causing problems for your employees or other patrons. While security systems can be an investment for your business, they are well worth the cost in the event of a break-in. You can gain some control over unpredictable or unfortunate situations that can happen to any business, as long as you have security cameras. You will have evidence to show authorities or insurance companies and be more likely to be compensated fully and fairly.

Rekey Locks or Reset Combinations as Needed

If you have high employee turnover or work with lots of employees in general, you may need to consider rekeying locks every so often. This is why many businesses opt for access control locks, since they can reprogram a new entry code quickly and easily without having to switch out the lock itself. Regardless, you may want to periodically switch combinations for important entryways or rooms, just to ensure unauthorized use of a combination does not get into the wrong hands.

Remind Employees to Keep an Eye Out

Better commercial building security can start with your employees. Be sure to remind anyone that works in your commercial building to always be aware of any suspicious persons that may be in, near, or around the building. Often, employees have the best idea of who regular customers are and when someone appears out of place. Be sure to inform or remind your staff of any safety procedures your company adheres to in the event of a violent intruder, break-in, or some other security emergency. Periodically informing workers at staff meetings, for example, to help keep a close eye on your business can be a great way to help increase security.

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